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Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory–II (ROCI–II, Form A)


The ROCI–II is a 28-item survey instrument designed to measure five independent dimensions of the five styles of handling interpersonal conflict in organizations: integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding and compromising.

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The instrument contains Form A to measure how an organizational member handles conflict with her (his) supervisor, subordinates, and peers, respectively. The five styles of handling conflict are measured with 7, 6, 5, 6, and 4 statements, respectively. An organizational member responds to each statement on a 5–point Likert scale (5 = Strongly Agree . . . 1 = Strongly Disagree). A higher score represents greater use of a conflict style. The ROCI–II is brief which can be administered in 8 minutes. Sample items of the instrument are:

  1. I try to investigate an issue with my supervisor to find a solution acceptable to us. (integrating)
  2. I generally try to satisfy the needs of my supervisor. (obliging)
  3. I use my influence to get my ideas accepted. (dominating)
  4. I attempt to avoid being “put on the spot” and try to keep my conflict with my supervisor to myself. (avoiding)
  5. I try to find a middle course to resolve an impasse. (compromising)

For detailed description of the instrument and its psychometric properties, please consult the ROCI Manual. Your order will include a complimentary bibliography of the studies which used this instrument.