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value-added contributions to the field of management

Welcome to the website which was created to make Dr. Afzal Rahim’s academic works available to the faculty, students, and management consultants and practitioners. You will find here Dr. Rahim’s books, journal articles, book chapters, cases, and survey instruments. His research was intended to make value-added contributions to the field of management. Diverse areas, such as conflict management, leader power, organizational justice, and emotional and social intelligence were included in his empirical studies.

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value-added contributions to the field of management

Dr. Afzal Rahim

Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Rahim (Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh) is a University Distinguished Professor of Management, emiritus and Hays Watkins Research Fellow, Western Kentucky University. He is the Founding Editor of Applied Management Journal, the International Journal of Organizational Analysis, and the International Journal of Conflict Management. He is also the founder of International Association for Conflict Management, International Association for Applied Management, and Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration. Dr. Rahim is the author/editor of 24 books and 137 journal articles, book chapters, and research instruments. His articles were published, among others, in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Intelligence, and Multivariate Behavioral Research. His current research interests are in the areas of conflict management, leaders’ emotional and social intelligence, and creativity in organizations.