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Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory–III (ROCI–III)


The ROCI–III is a 30-item survey instrument designed to measure five independent components of organizational conflict: affective, substantive, process, transforming, and masquerading.

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The five styles of handling conflict are measured with 7, 5, 7, 5, and 6 statements, respectively. An organizational member responds to each statement on a 7–point Likert scale (7 = Strongly Agree . . . 1 = Strongly Disagree). A higher score represents greater intensity of one type of conflict. The ROCI–III is brief which can be administered in 9 minutes. Sample items of the instrument are:

  1. Members have quarrels unrelated to the group’s tasks. (affective)
  2. Members disagree on the policies and principles guiding tasks. (substantive)
  3. Members disagree on how task accomplishment should proceed. (process)
  4. Difference of opinion on the group’s functions drifts to personal conflict. (transforming)
  5. Members pretend that they oppose each other’s task-related ideas, but these are emotional conflicts.